
Showing posts from July 23, 2019

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Resources Journal Events Bookstore Church Search Resources Journal Events Bookstore Church Search Donate Pastoring In Ministry, Joy and Sorrow Don’t Cancel Each Other Out By Winston T. Smith | 07.15.2019 The victory of sin and death and the presence of suffering are only temporary in light of Jesus’ resurrection. 7 Well-Meaning Objections to Church Discipline — And How Pastors Ought to Respond to Them By C. Greggsen , S. Emadi | 07.05.2019 Let’s briefly consider some of the “good-faith” objections to discipline we’ve encountered and how we try to help church members understand the theological principles undergirding discipline. Pastoring and the Art of Balance By J. Beeke , P. Smalley | 06.17.2019 God’s promise of a transformed community (Jer. 3:17) comes with a promise of competent pastoral care. What I Told M